Knowing how to trust God can be a challenge. In this post, you’ll discover 15 amazing posts to help you grasp this vital concept more deeply.
If you’re like me, life would be so much better if you just knew how to trust God more. Wouldn’t it be great? When problems arose, you’d just give them to Him, stop worrying, and start enjoying life.
This has never come easily to me, but I’m working to change that.
Today, I thought I’d compile 15 incredible posts on this very topic to deepen your faith when you’re unsure about the future. Dive in and be strengthened!
1. 40 Promises to Trust God For by Arabah Joy
This awesome post details 40 of God’s specific promises in the Bible that we need to focus on. I love her emphasis on the fact that we HAVE everything we need in Christ – we simply need to claim it. She has also written a full devotional book on this topic called “Trust Without Borders” – check it out!
Favorite quote: “It isn’t that we have a TRUTH problem; it’s that we have a TRUST problem. We don’t really trust what we know to be true.” Read full article.
2. Trusting God Is Easier Than You Think by Christian Post
A solid article about the reasons why trust CAN be achieved and how we make it more difficult than it really is. This is a must-read if you are perplexed and overwhelmed when it comes to trusting God.
Favorite quote: “You will only be able to trust God to the degree that you choose to think godly thoughts.” Read full article.
3. 15 Scriptures to Soothe an Anxious Heart by Unveiled Wife
These Scriptures are all life-giving when you’re battling to trust God. I particularly love that they’re all from the Psalms. When I was going through the hardest time of my life, I read Psalms over and over and it quickly became my favorite book of the Bible.
Favorite quote: “Is anything too hard for our God? Surely He can calm our anxious hearts!” Read full article.
4. Why Is It So Hard to Just Trust God? by Eat Pray Workout
Amy gives some amazing wisdom on the ‘why’ of this difficulty. She attributes much of it to our modern, busy culture – one that not used to listening and being patient. The answers aren’t difficult, but implementing them often goes against societal norms.
Favorite quote: “God speaks, but His Spirit is a gentleman. A gentleman cannot be heard amongst the shouts of a loud crowd.” Read full article.
5. How to Let Go & Let God by Her Sword
Thrilled I stumbled across this post because it is SO practical. It is chock-full of incredible content outlining the specific steps you must go through to release situations to God. When implemented on a regular basis, it can bring true healing in your life! I was really impressed with the detail and Scripture given in this post. Aly even has a free printable worksheet you can download to work through the trusting process. I’m going to try this today!
Favorite quote: “Ignoring problems is never a solution. Ignoring problems only makes root issues worse. The enemy wants us to think it is ok to ignore and move on, so we can be kept in bondage.” Read full article.
6. If You Struggle With Fear, You Should Read This by Unveiled Wife
Reading this post, I literally had to stop, pray, and confess several times before I finished reading! That’s a sign of a really outstanding gem of wisdom. It gets down to the nitty-gritty of WHY we are afraid and what’s holding us back from trusting. Read it – you won’t regret it.
Favorite quote: “Fear is placing your faith in “what-ifs” rather than in “God is.”” Read full article.
7. The Problem With Trusting God by The Purposeful Mom
A great read for the controlling-type personalities out there (who, me?) 🙂 Jenn writes from a perspective of someone who knows all the right answers, but finds the act of trusting a tall order. An encouraging emphasis on going back to the basics in our faith.
Favorite quote: “The problem isn’t putting our trust in God. That will never lead us astray. But my disbelief and doubt stems from the fact that I was trusting an outcome, instead of God.” Read full article.
8. 10 Encouraging Bible Verses Reminding Us of God’s Faithfulness by SeedTime
I love this straightforward post that lists ten top Bible verses for trusting God. Simple, to the point, but powerful. There is even a free download so you can print all the verses on one sheet and post it in your home or office. I especially love the BEAUTIFUL images he’s created to communicate these truths. Totally pin-worthy!
Favorite quote: “The more we soak up the truth of God’s Word, the more assured we become that He really is going to take care of us!” Read full article.
9. When You’re in a Spiritual Storm, Trust Your Instruments by Desiring God
Such a great read. Jon describes navigating the worst storm of his life based not on his own perceptions, but on the Word of God. Sometimes the truth doesn’t feel true, but it is. That’s when we must trust that God knows better than we do!
Favorite quote: “God’s promises did prove reliable instruments, even though I doubted them in the middle of it all. I didn’t crash. In fact, the storm served me very well.” Read full article.
10. When We Are Called To Wait by Elisa Pulliam
In Elisa’s post, she shares her experiences with disappointment and how her faith grew into a place of waiting.
Favorite quote: “Waiting on God isn’t about doing nothing — or NO thing; It is about allowing God to do His thing.”
11. How to Trust in the Lord with All Your Heart by Healthy Christian Home
Do you feel overwhelmed when it comes to trusting God with all your heart? This detailed post breaks down the process for you, step-by-step. Learn 5 practical ways to put trusting into practice today.
Favorite quote: “When we take God at His word, we acknowledge that He knows better than us. We stop trying to “figure Him out” and start accepting that He’s got it all figured out.”
11. How To Trust God by Brilliant Perspectives
Short and with a profound message, this article is one to pore over. Graham equates our level of trust to our level of understanding God’s love. Very biblical, it’s 1 John 4:18 in action (perfect love casts out fear)!
Favorite quote: “Don’t try to trust. Instead, just allow yourself to be loved. Faith is best expressed in the context of love.” Read full article.
12. Unafraid: How to Trust God in an Unsafe World by A Holy Experience
Susie tells her story about how watching bad things happen in life caused her to stop trusting God. She discusses how fear ruled her life and how God slowly changed her heart to trust Him again. A great read for anyone who has experienced difficulty and trauma which cause trust issues.
Favorite quote: “Like an addict, I depended on something harmful and dangerous. Something that became a tool for the Enemy to push me in the corner, keep me under the counter, beat me down. I believed in fear.” Read full article.
13. Can You Trust Him With Your Future? by the Better Mom
This is a beautiful piece about how waiting for our heart’s desire changes us into the person God intended us to be. If you are in a season of waiting, this will strengthen your heart.
Favorite quote: “Learning to wait is the best way I know to mature and grow because it requires absolute trust in the one who knows your life intimately.” Read full article.
14. The Enemy’s Secret Weapon by Prayers & Apples
I love this post. Especially the graphic Jessica has made which so perfectly explains how Satan tries to steal our joy and keep us from trusting. She has some really profound thoughts on how the devil works.
Favorite quote: “One of the enemy’s biggest tricks is making us think that things are not okay even though God has already assured us that they are.” Read full article.
15. Trust God – Your Feelings Are Lying to You by Healthy Christian Home
This post outlines several of the lies we believe and the dangers of trusting our feelings instead of trusting God’s Word.
Favorite quote: “Feelings about life can be deceiving. Being wrong feels the same as being right – until you know better.” Read full article.
May you be encouraged to trust God with your whole heart today! I hope at least one of these articles resonates with you and helps you to nurture a childlike faith.
If this helped you learn how to trust God, please share it! Why do you think trusting God is sometimes difficult?
With Joy,
Thanks so much for sharing my article! What a great list overall!
Feel free to share! So glad to have found yours! Keep it up!
Was very encouraging our Heavenly Father is awesome.
Yes HE is!!