Bad hair days are the worst. Find out how to fix this problem instantly with one simple pantry item!
It happens to all of us. On the day when you most need your hair to cooperate, it’s a sticky, warped, ugly mess.
If I was having a bad hair day, my only choice (or so I thought) was to pile it in a bun and call it a day. Back in my self-conscious teen years, I wouldn’t have even done that because of my “ears are too big” insecurities. Now, the ‘mom bun’ is a well-worn style, and I’m rocking it more than I care to admit. (Side note: You should read this genius post about the mom bun over at Today’s the Best Day. Hilarious and true.)
Recently, I discovered a perfect alternative to the mom bun! You won’t believe how easy this, and you probably already have the ingredient in your pantry.
Are you ready for this?
Apple cider vinegar.
And I’m talking about the cheap stuff! All you need to do is fill a spray bottle with half water and half apple cider vinegar (ACV). Spray it throughout your hair or on problem areas, brush into place, and you’re good to go!
How does it work? I’m not exactly sure, but my husband seems to think it “cuts through the grease” that’s making your hair stand up awkwardly.
Seriously, try it. It’s amazing.
I know what you’re thinking – ew! It smells! In my opinion, the smell dissipates quickly once it’s dry. If you’re worried about the smell, I have another hair hack for you. Put a drop or two of your favorite essential oil (I’m a lavender fan) on your hairbrush and brush it through your hair. This will give it a beautiful scent and cover up any potential apple cider smells.
I can’t tell you how much easier this tip has made our lives! My husband discovered it when he was running late for work one morning. He didn’t have time to shower, so he thought “well, it’s worth a try” and gave his hair a little spritz. It looked like his hair had been fully washed! And you don’t even have to coax your hair into place at all. Just brush it into place and it’s perfect.
This has saved me on Sunday mornings getting ready for church. No more cowlicks or sticking up boys hair!
Everyone in our family has medium to thick wavy hair, so I’m not sure how it would work on other hair types, but it’s definitely worth a try! Let me know in the comments if this worked for you.
What do you do on a bad hair day?
With Joy,
I wash my hair using the “No Poo” method – I wash with baking soda (2 tsp in 1 cup water) applied to scalp, rinse, and then the conditioner is the apple cider vinegar (2 tsp in 1 cup water) applied mainly to the ends of my hair. I only wash my hair once a week – or as needed. It. Is. AWESOME! My hair is so much more healthy, smooth, no frizz. I can wear my hair in a ponytail, take the hair tie out, and before when using shampoo it would leave a big bump and a ridge where the hair tie was. No amount of curling iron or flat iron could fix it, so I would have to wash it again. Now, I can take out a ponytail or bun and it is totally straight – no bump! It is so much cheaper than using shampoo AND conditioner every time you wash AND healthier for your hair. The natural oils from your scalp are there for a reason and the shampoo strips your hair of the oils. AND it totally saves me time not having to wash my hair in the shower every time, and once I style it, I don’t have to style it again all week. If I curl it, the curls stay all week long just about – and that is without using any kind of hair spray or other product!! Before with shampoo, the curls would fall out that day, even if I used hairspray. I will never go back to shampoo again!!!
I am so glad it’s working for you Jennifer! I tried it for a while and it didn’t work as well for me, but everyone is different. Still trying to perfect my natural hair care routine!