Find out how to strengthen your marriage today by praying for your husband with 10 simple & specific marriage prayers to bless him and strengthen your relationship. We all know that marriage can be tough – why not surround yours on every side with prayer? The devil cannot win with a godly wife who is on her knees in prayer.
As a Christian wife, you have a powerful influence over the heart of your husband to help him in his spiritual walk. These prayers for your husband include blessings for his physical life, relationship with God, and your Christian marriage.
With Valentine’s Day approaching, I think it’s fitting to tell you a little about my love story… and how challenges help us grow closer in our Christian marriages. Then we’ll look at 10 prayers you can start praying for your husband to support and lift him up.
Typically, I don’t write a lot about my personal life story here on the blog. But today is a little bit different, as I feel it relates well to the topic at hand. I hope you’ll humor me a moment while I reminisce.
The love story between my husband and me — it’s my favorite. As I’m sure your love story is your favorite.
(Side note: Almost all the photos in today’s post were taken by my husband, Richard, on one of our first dates to Chickasaw State Park in Tennessee.)
We met in college, and it didn’t take me long to realize I was head over heels for him (it took him a little longer). The first day I saw him walk onto the Loyd Auditorium stage in a Sunday suit and baby blue Converse, singing “The Pearly White City” at the top of his lungs – that was it. My mind was made up. I said to myself, “I’m gonna marry that guy someday.”
Our romance felt like a fairy tale. Except for our first date… but that’s a story for another time. It was a disaster. Thankfully, we had a second date, and the rest is history.
I love our dating memories. Walking around campus, hand-in-hand. Driving around in his Ford Ranger. Sitting together in Bible classes and attending church together. Life was Bliss.
As an art major with wanderlust, it was my dream to travel Europe. I planned to go to Belgium during fall semester of my sophomore year. Richard and I had been dating about six months, and it was SO hard to say goodbye.
But I didn’t have to live without him for too long. That crazy romantic got on a plane and surprised me in Barcelona during Thanksgiving break with… you guessed it… AN ENGAGEMENT RING. Once again, Life was Bliss.
But, as with any fairy tale, life doesn’t stay that way forever.
Fast forward several years of into our marriage. We were living overseas as missionaries. During this time, we were blessed to serve with the most wonderful group of Christians in East Kilbride and head up their youth program. To this day, we love all of these people dearly.
In the background, though, we dealt with some extreme challenges that tested our faith, our endurance, and our health. I won’t go into all the details here, because that’s not the point of this post. But I will say that during the hardest time of our lives, when we needed the most support, we were an ocean away from our families.
Satan does his best to try to discourage us, doesn’t he? It was good for that little girl to experience hardship, because she learned a valuable lesson: life isn’t a fairy tale, and marriage isn’t always easy.
However, hardship taught me what a huge blessing my Christian marriage truly is. We were brought closer than ever before. I leaned on God and I leaned on the man He provided for me. We now look back on that time as a time of massive growth, and of God’s faithfulness. Now, we use these trials as a measuring stick. Anytime we meet an obstacle, we say, “Look what God brought us through. He can bring us through this.”
Somehow during the most difficult times, we also received the richest blessings. We brought the two sweetest boys imaginable into this world, and forged some of the most special friendships we’ve ever known. God knows exactly how to encourage our hearts.
Prayer also became REAL. Prayer has always been part of my life, but I truly realized what a lifeline it is. (Especially prayer journaling – read all about my routine in my ultimate guide to prayer journaling.)
But, I haven’t always taken advantage of praying for my husband and my marriage the way I should.
What would happen if we made marriage prayers an integral part of our spiritual life? Not only could we make it through the hard times, but our marriages would bless the lives of everyone around us.
Start praying for your marriage during the good times, and strengthen your marriage before trials hit. I once heard a wise woman say, “Soak up the good times while you have them, and allow them to strengthen you for the bad times ahead. Because trials WILL come.”
If you’re in the midst of a difficult season now, let prayer be a way to strengthen the bond with your husband and bless his life.
For better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health… no matter which season you find yourself in, fervent prayer is a MUST.
10 Marriage Prayers for the Christian Wife
Below, you’ll find 10 marriage prayers for the Christian wife to start implementing today to strengthen your husband and bless your marriage. Several of these make me squirm because I am not very good at implementing or practicing them (yet). But progress, not perfection, right?
1. Pray for my husband to love God with all his heart.
If I forget to say any other prayer for my husband, this is the #1 thing I want to pray for. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength” (Mark 12:30). As long as my husband is close to God and loves him above all else, the rest will fall into place.
If your husband doesn’t already have a relationship with God, the most powerful thing you can do as a godly wife is pray for him.
You can pray for specific things around this too. For example, pray that God will bring experiences into his life that will help them grow closer together. It seems that the times that I am in a spiritual dry spell, something or someone comes into my life to remind me of what’s really important.
2. Pray for my husband to be kept safe from temptation.
In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus ends it with the phrase “lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil” (Matthew 6:13). I think this is something we sometimes neglect to pray. What a powerful tool! God has complete power over our enemy, and you need to start praying for your husband to be kept free from temptation as much as possible. Here’s a specific prayer to get you started.
Marriages fail and people lose their faith for all kinds of reasons – whether hardships or temptations to sin. If your man is dealing with a particularly tough or stressful time – pray for your husband daily not to get discouraged. Ask him what you can do to help him.
Also, remember to start praying for your husband in the specific areas of temptation he struggles with, whether you know them or not. Ask God to help your husband guard his heart. “Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life” (Proverbs 4:23). Pray for his purity, his attitude, and his future challenges.
3. Pray for my husband to fulfillment and joy from his work.
As your husband goes about his work day, pray for him. If it’s not a job he enjoys, pray for future opportunities or present changes. If he loves his job, pray he will gain the maximum level of happiness and fulfillment from it. Pray he will be able to make a difference in the lives of others at work and be an impact for the Kingdom.
“There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God” (Ecclesiastes 2:24).
Pray about and try to think of ways you can support him in his job. Can you make sure his clothes are ready every day? Pack his lunch? Attend work functions?
I’m so blessed to have a husband who absolutely loves and thrives in his job (he’s a minister). He loves teaching, interacting with, and helping people – that’s his skill set. I pray that I can be an encouragement to him in his work as well and support all that he does.
4. Pray for my husband to enjoy good health.
It’s crazy how much we take our health for granted until we don’t have it. Start now praying for your husband to have good health, and act on it too. I heard a life changing quote yesterday. It went something like: “If you ask God for a blessing, first ask what laws govern that blessing and start being obedient to those laws.”
As you pray for good health for your husband or family, make sure you are practicing a healthy lifestyle. Eat real food, prioritize sleep, go on walks, make time for fun. I love 3 John-1:2, “Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.”
5. Pray for my husband to enjoy happiness in this life.
I didn’t do this for a long time, but you know what? It’s okay to pray for happiness – for yourself and others.
“I have concluded that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to enjoy themselves as long as they live, and also that everyone should eat and drink, and find enjoyment in all his toil, for these things are a gift from God” (Ecclesiastes 3:12-13).
While we shouldn’t use “God wants me to be happy” as an excuse to live in sin, the statement itself is true. God does want us to be happy. He wants us to thrive, have purpose, and enjoy life. As cheesy as it sounds, I am praying for my husband that his “dreams will come true” so to speak, that his life will be a fountain of joy, and that he will have true joy in the Lord.
6. Pray for my husband to grow in His faith.
I love this passage from Ephesians 3:16-19:
…according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.
No matter where we are in our walk with God, there is always more we can learn and grow. It is vital to pray for your husband to grow in his faith and become stronger in areas of weakness. As mentioned in the verses above, pray specifically that your husband will understand God’s love for him.
There is one thing to be cautious about when it comes to encouraging your husband’s spiritual growth. Make sure you approach this with a humble attitude. Sometimes as wives we can become “discontent” with an apparent lack of spiritual leadership in our husbands. There may not be a lack of genuine faith on his part, but a lack in what we think that faith should look like.
Perhaps you wish your husband would lead more family devotionals, participate more in the church, or read his Bible more. But trying to prod or nag at him to do so will only create tension, and the last thing he wants to feel is your disappointment.
In this area, I realize I am beyond blessed. I have a husband who values spiritual things and loves the Lord. But, there have still been times in our marriage where I have thought he needed to do something “different” or “better.” Emphasizing these things to him has never been a good idea. It is not my job to be his conscience – it is my job to be his wife and support.
That’s where prayer comes in. If you wish your husband to grow spiritually or in any other way, focus on prayer. Often, while doing this, I’ve realized that I am the one who needs to change more than my husband. And God can do much better work in his heart than I can ever accomplish on my own.
7. Pray that I will become the wife he truly needs me to be.
Ask God that the desire of your heart be to support your husband, becoming his help meet as a Christian wife. Sometimes this is difficult, especially with today’s “independent woman” mentality. It’s easy to get wrapped up in our own agenda and forget our role as helper. This is something I need to work on!
Proverbs 31:10 says, “An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels.” I want to become this kind of wife!
Being a servant is the greatest honor because Christ Himself was a servant. Our husbands serve us every day by providing for us and our children. We should sincerely pray to develop a servant heart and willingness to give of our time and effort for our husband’s sake. If you want to learn more about how to be a godly wife, read my post “Characteristics of a Godly Woman.“
Here’s a quick exercise: write down what qualities you think are most important to your husband in you as a godly wife. Are you exhibiting these daily? Brainstorm a couple of ways you can improve in these areas.
8. Pray that we, as a couple, will be of one accord and be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to become angry.
I sat down to write this section almost immediately after a misunderstanding between my husband and I. Talk about a humbling experience!
Lots of people describe me as timid and soft-spoken, but when you really get to know me, I’m about as stubborn as they come. You can ask my dad – he informed my husband of this very fact (along with all my other wonderful qualities, of course 🙂 ) the day Richard asked for my hand in marriage. At the time, Richard did not believe it, but he gets it now, ha!
It takes a great effort for me at times to implement James 1:19-20: “Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God”. How about you? Is listening and keeping your anger at bay a challenge? This is one of the best prayers for married couples to pray together, hand in hand.
Let’s all pray for improvement in this area, to become better listeners and more thoughtful in our responses. I love this quote from Alfred Brendel: “The word ‘listen’ contains the same letters as the word ‘silent.'” For further reading about the concept of listening, check out Just Listen.
9. Pray that we, as a couple, will be content with what we have and use our blessings for His glory.
Contentment takes practice. When we are envious of others’ physical blessings, good fortune, or better circumstances, it’s a quick way to lose our joy. Much of our married lives are spent trying to “get ahead” – paying off student loan debt, buying our first homes, trying to save for the future.
Pray for your husband to feel content with your current situation, and work at being more grateful and content yourself. The following verses have been favorites of mine since I was a teen:
Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me? (Hebrews 13:5-6)
In the midst of all this working and saving, make giving a priority too. This is one of the quickest ways to find contentment. Right now, we are planning to start a “savings jar” because our boys want to start giving money to orphans. I love their tender hearts and the reminder of what really matters in life.
10. Pray that I will love God with all my heart.
If you want to learn how to be a Christian wife, pray about it. Very similar to the first point, we need to pray for our own hearts just like we pray for the hearts of our husbands. If we want him to love the Lord, we first need to make our love for God a priority.
I actually pray something like this almost every day. Keenly aware of how easy it is for me to stumble, I often find myself asking God to help me love Him more! I want to feel that closeness, like He is my best friend, like I can’t wait to tell Him what’s on my heart or read what He has for me in His word. I’m ashamed to say this often isn’t the case. But I want to love Him like this.
Related post: How to Grow Spiritually When You Don’t Feel Close to God
The prayer of my heart is so similar to one of my favorite hymns by Robert Robinson in “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” verse 4:
O to grace how great a debtor
Daily I’m constrained to be!
Let Thy goodness, like a fetter,
Bind my wandering heart to Thee.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here’s my heart, O take and seal it,
Seal it for Thy courts above.
I used to really dislike the “prone to wander” portion of the song. It made me squirm – because it was all too true. I am prone to wander. Which is why I must fervently pray for my love for God to grow daily.
Do you want to grow a deeper, more genuine faith?
If so, I know you’ll benefit from the “Woman After God” printable pack. It is the perfect resource for any woman who is chasing God.
With 20+ pages of resources, you’ll learn to study the Bible effectively, answer deep burning spiritual questions, dive deep into the realm of prayer, and be encouraged with inspirational Scripture art.
This printable pack includes the “What Should I Study?” guide, which holds your hand teaches you exactly how to create a study plan based on your questions. Also included is a real-life study example, so you can watch the process unfold step-by-step.
It also includes prayer resources that will spark your communication with God and keep your dialogue going throughout the day.
If you ever think, “I want to grow closer to God, but I have no idea where to start,” this printable pack will absolutely help.
Praying for Your Husband: Tips for Success
- If you are implementing a new routine of praying for your husband, tell him! He will appreciate being thought of and loved in this way.
- Create a reminder on your phone to pray for him at a specific time each day.
- Get your kids to start praying for their daddy, too! It’s so vital for them to see the importance of praying for others.
- Try writing your marriage prayers in a journal. It will be fun in the years to come to look back and be reminded of answered prayers and God’s faithfulness.
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12 Marriage Prayers to Invigorate Your Marriage
What about you? What does praying for your husband look like in your life?
With Joy,
P.S. – Can I ask a favor? If you enjoyed this post, would you mind sharing it? Us small bloggers need all the help we can get!
Deanna West says
I lovee Loveee this blog and the breakdown/examples behind them all. Very peaceful read
Mary says
Thanks so much Deanna! So glad you found it helpful! Blessings.
Sarah says
Thank you for this! Is there an easy way to print the 10 prayers?
Mary says
Not currently, although you could copy/paste them into a document. That’s a great idea for a possible future printable!
Jacklyn says
I Thank you for these beautiful prayers. I Am engage to the love of my life. I ever thought I would be blessed to meet the man of my dreams, I could not believe when he asked me to be his wife. I Want to be more of a Godly praying wife for my husband. AMEN
Mary says
God bless you!
Nancy says
Again thank you for these ways to pray for my beloved. Your sister in Jesus Christ.
Charlotte says
I love this post May God strenghen me to be a prayerful wife for my belove husband, and draw him closer to God Amen